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One day I was talking with my husband, and I had mentioned to him how someone I knew had changed so much. How what they were saying was shocking to me, just amazed at what was coming out of their mouth. As the conversation proceeded, I suddenly realized it wasn't them that had changed, it was me. I was seeing things I had never been aware of like a bad attitude, negativity, resentment, just blew my mind. I noticed that the last few months dealing with life's circumstances had changed me and drew me closer to God. I couldn't do it on my own, I had already learned my lesson on that, so I put my trust in him and came out renewed. Bible says he transforms and renews our mind, and that we have been given the mind of Christ. Praise God! I can honestly say I am not the same person I was six months ago. Life's circumstances will either break you, or make you, it's your choice on how to handle them. God says he will make your paths plain, and straight, so if he already knows the future why do we always try to do everything on our own. Satan doesn't know the future, only God knows, and he determines your destiny. In every situation we must pray, and remember we are not alone, he will never leave you nor forsake you. God says we must fight, so put on the full armor of God for he has already given us the victory!



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