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Oh, how he loves you and me...

I was having a conversation with someone, and I asked them if they had ever thought about how God has always been with them. It wasn't until the last couple years maybe even less, that I thought about it myself. I wondered about when I was a child and the things I had been through, He was there. How when I was in a race at school, I would win it… not sure how because my legs are very short… LOL! or when I went through something, thinking it would turn out disastrous, it would actually come out successful, and I didn't even know how or why it happened. But realizing now that God's favor was on my life, just brings tears to my eyes. Oh, how he loves you and me… that’s a great hymn, if you’ve never heard it, you should check it out on YouTube. Take a moment to stop and think about when you were a a child. What did you experienced in your life? Maybe some different seasons you might have gone through. Did you think you were alone, or was God’s presence like hey… I’m here… yoo-hoo… Even now, look around, think about it, and see how God's mercy and grace has always been with you every single day. The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers you in every situation, Oh, how he loves you unconditionally, no strings attached. Take the time today to think on those times. His word says,” He is with you always until the end of the age.” It's amazing when you start to think about it, and realize he was there all along. I like to hear testimonies of people that have had near death experiences, and I've heard where they’ve stated that God has shown them clips of their life, and how he was there, and they never knew it. Next time your stumped, or in a pickle, call on the name of Jesus. Recognize Him today, and give thanks for his mercy, grace and love that he has given to us for free, no charge, a gift. Jesus has already paid the price on Calvary. He loves you, you're his creation, he made you in his image, he gave his only begotten son to die for you, he became sin so that one day you can live with him for eternity, if it weren’t so he would not have said it. Our flesh dies, but our spirit lives forever. Sometimes we just need a reminder, that Jesus loves us. His word says, “Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”

Let Him show himself to you today, pray: Father, as I embrace the New Year, may I grow closer to you, may I be sincere to the Holy Spirit to know your truth and promises you to have set for me. Let me never forget what you have done for me, and let me see you in your creations daily (birds, rain, sun, moon, stars) Thank you for your love and kindness you have bestowed on me all the days of my life. I want to make you proud and one day hear those words, “Well done, good and faithful servant; Enter into the joy of your lord.” In Jesus name. Amen.

I pray the New Year bring you fresh revelation of the Father's goodness and blessing raining down on you. May every mountain, every hindrance, be removed supernaturally in Jesus name. May you have great joy, provision in your finances, health, and grow in your faith with the Lord. Because without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. In Jesus name. Amen.

Happy New Year!!



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