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With God nothing is impossible

When the Lord placed in my spirit to create this website October 2020, I started on my own understanding as if I knew anything about creating a website, and for six months never got it off the ground. I realized it was because I was trying to do it myself instead of being led by the Holy Spirit, so I prayed he would lead me to the right people to build it. Once I let him show me the way, things started falling into place. I found a website builder, and after some questions and collaboration they agreed to take on the project. I can honestly say it was a blessing to work with this company, they made the process stress free which seems to be unattainable but take my word for it, true. The next step was to have a logo created, and not being familiar with the process started to pray," Lord show me the way" just a simple prayer. Well, he did. This company created an amazing logo based on the ideas the Lord had given me, and in the end after their many hours in this project, blessed me with it for free, yes, for free. Sometimes we must take a step back to move forward, and realize God is in control of each situation. I could never have planned for this, but if we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us in the direction he has placed before us. Nothing is impossible!



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